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Howard Levitt Air Canada Pilots Strike Cries Out For Federal Intervention But Politics Might Get In The Way

Howard Levitt: Air Canada pilots strike cries out for federal intervention, but politics might get in the way

Air Canada Pilots Association has been on strike since last Friday and there seems to be no end in sight.

The union representing Air Canada pilots has been on strike since last Friday and there seems to be no end in sight. The union is asking for a 15% pay increase over three years, while Air Canada is offering 11%. The strike has caused hundreds of flights to be canceled, and thousands of passengers have been stranded.

The union has asked the federal government to intervene in the dispute, but the government has so far declined, and it is unclear if it will do so. The strike is the latest in a series of labor disputes in the airline industry, and it is raising concerns about the future of the industry.

In a recent article, Howard Levitt, a prominent labor lawyer, argues that the federal government should intervene in the Air Canada pilots strike. Levitt argues that the strike is causing significant economic harm, and that the government has a responsibility to protect the public interest.

Levitt also argues that the government has a legal obligation to intervene in the strike, because the Air Canada Pilots Association is a federally regulated union. The government has the power to order the union to return to work, and Levitt argues that it should do so.

However, Levitt acknowledges that the government is unlikely to intervene in the strike, because it does not want to be seen as taking sides in a labor dispute. The government is also concerned about the potential economic consequences of intervening, and it may not want to risk angering either the union or Air Canada.

Despite the challenges, Levitt believes that the government should intervene in the Air Canada pilots strike. He argues that the strike is causing significant economic harm, and that the government has a responsibility to protect the public interest. He also argues that the government has a legal obligation to intervene, because the Air Canada Pilots Association is a federally regulated union.
